The enchanting Puerto Princesa Underground River. Photo by Roy Pagliawan.

City News

TripAdvisor recognizes Puerto Princesa Underground River as ‘excellence hall of famer’

By Leila Dagot

May 30, 2019

The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (PPSRNP) was recognized by Tripadvisor, the largest social travel website in the world, as ‘excellence hall of famer’.

On the Tripavisor’s website, PPSRNP got an excellent traveler rating, as of this year.

Jan Elmer Badilla, information officer of PPSRNP shared to Philippine Information Agency (PIA) that on May 23, the management received the good news from the Tripadvisor on the award.

Badilla also said that PPUR has been receiving the ‘traveler’s choice certificate of excellence’ every year since 2015, and so finally for this year, it has reached the hall of fame.

“When we assumed into office in 2013, PPUR has been getting some negative reviews in Tripadvisor, so part of our social media strategy is to manage issues being raised there by actively interacting with PPUR websearchers on Tripadvisor,” Badilla said.

Badilla said that this award manifests increasing number of tourists visiting underground river.

“Every year, our tourist arrivals continue to increase (at PPUPR), as we are fully aware that most foreign travelers depend on the internet reviews as basis of their itinerary,” he said.

In 2018 there were 342, 280 local and foreign tourists who visited the PPUR. From January to April, 2019, underground river got 128, 429 tourist visitors, while there were 109,601 on the same period of 2018. (LBD/PIAMIMAROPA-Palawan)