Campus and Youth Section

The‘ Next Level’ Social Media Experience

By Giovanni Gabuco

May 05, 2019

The new society brings us to a wider, higher level social media experience. Almost everyone can access these sites. It is where we virtually meet people we rarely see physically, and it is also where we find new connections. Exchange of all kinds of information is also infinite in social media.

Let us all be encouraged, especially the youth, to live the social media life to a whole new degree. Do not be limited to only posting personal experiences and sharing stuff like “Game of Thrones” and Marvel. There is nothing wrong about it. I only aspire others to appreciate the extent of social media. We can further share ideas, views, and opinions about anything under the firmament, especially those that are relevant to our society. Little do we know, we are already inspiring others to do as well, and we are already becoming tellers of truth, resounding the things that need to be heard and understood by the public.

I personally enjoy what Facebook has to offer. I can share relevant posts by others, mostly about politics and public policies. I can also put my thoughts and views about certain issues into words, with the goal of giving information and a subject for argument.

We all have the freedom to enter the world of social media. But let us not forget that freedom is not absolute at all; it is limited by consequences. Our words and our actions are our own responsibilities.

Here are some points to mull over based on my experience:

First, whenever we post something, make sure it is legitimate, the source of information is very reliable, and we must cross-reference, all the time.

Second, we must minimize bashing or insulting. Whenever we criticize, we must do it constructively. Our goal is to fight information with another information, not emotion against an information.

Third, whenever we impose an information and we want to get sympathy, we must do it logically. Emotional Appeal is not the ethical way. We do not sway people to our side using emotions, but with logic and truth.

Fourth, we must learn to collect and balance all the information we are dealing with our selves, be it from the other side.

Fifth, fear not to express. Knowledge is power. And if we speak truth, there is nothing to worry about. Always side with the truth. Bravery in spreading correct information could be a spark for change. Do not underestimate our little voices. Collectively we are stronger and louder.

Lastly, we must learn to accept the differences of everyone. We cannot please all the people. We can only show them other sides of the cube and leave it to their discernment.

A world full of ideas is a lot more exciting. Let us make social media as spring board for that vision.