City News

Cause oriented orgs launch ‘Think Green’ environmental program

By Gilbert Ramoya

February 15, 2019

As a move to raise awareness on environmental protection, a collaborative effort between two community oriented organizations here in Puerto Princesa City, JCI Puerto Princesa Oil and JCI Puerto Princesa Kiao will launch a national environmental program at Cowrie Island this February 16 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M..

Dubbed as the Arts sync to Reform and Influence for others for a Sustainable Environment (ARISE), the event is a whole day activity filled with various workshops, clean-up drive, campaigns and creation of a photo wall.

ARISE is an umbrella project aligned with the JCI Philippines flagship environmental program, Think Green, which was conceptualized to focus on environmental sustainability. This is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDGs) projects that will address climate change, a serious global issue today.

Activities will include PARCC – Palawan Arts and Craft at Cowrie, where there will be water color painting workshop and bracelets making, I Pledge Wall with “Eco Padlock” that symbolizes a strong conviction to protect the future of Mother Earth, Clean Art Project : Tsinelas Mural / Photwall, where worn out “tsinelas/slippers” and discarded flip flops turned to rubber master piece and “Moto in Can” bicycles collectors’ items made of beverage tin can.

There will also be an “Eco at Ikaw,” a signature campaign for battle against single use plastic pollution, Coastal Clean Up with USAID and volunteers for beach cleanup, Think Green project, promoting ecofriendly bamboo straw, paper cups, as alternative solution for plastic straws, cups, coffee stirrer, etc.

ARISE sufficed Think Green objectives to implement sustainable projects that address local environment concerns and increase community awareness by getting them involved in JCI Philippines “green” initiatives.