What life has to offer

Life is said to be lived on with complexities—which is one of what life is said to offer. It is a blessing and suffering (according to the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer). But the questions are: How do we really see life? How do we view our own lives having battles and such? Are we taking it as negatively or do we just let it be, not even taking it as cons and nor pros.

Every question seeks to find answer. Life is somewhat broad. Broad in the sense that the longer we live, the larger or the broader the capacity we tend to acquire or to gain. Add to it, the experience. Life is different for each mankind—its setting and timing yet we’re all set in the same scenes but in different ways and situations. What life wants to teach us, amongst those questions, is for us:

(1) To learn—life teaches us different lessons that even institutions can’t provide us. We may see and perceive them negatively or has nothing to do with us and within our lives for now, but soon, we may never know how it will help us and will make such huge impact to where and what we’ll be in the future. Just remember to take and take what life is giving us. No matter how rude we think life is, it’s still life we are living.

(2) To realize—life itself, also wants us to contemplate with it (life) because as we contemplate, realizations will follow. We have to realize everything; the life we’re living: (a) if we are still on the right path or not anymore or (b) do we still have the urge to make our life even better;

It’s really and must be up to you! Not from your parents, peers or from anyone but solely from yourself. You have the freedom to choose whether not to choose amongst the choices but you have to deeply think of it;

The decisions we are making (in all different aspects and circumstances): (a) is this right or is this really what I must do? (b) is it really for me? (c) is this what I like/want? (d) will I be happy with it? (e) is it really where my heart goes into? Or it’s just solely what my mind pushes me to? (f) and what consequences to face. There are random and a whole lot more standards and bases to which will help you out in making good decisions.

And lastly, life has also the (3) to “look on the brighter side of me (life)”—as what I have written above, life is said to be having complexities: problems, battles and all the terms to be used for those combined but life also wants us to look for its brighter side that even though we are fighting different battles each day, we are still blessed that we still breathe—alive.

So, for everyone, life should not be taken for granted. Learn to live and love life just how it should be. No matter how bad your day and/or life may seem, there’s something good with it, just learn to appreciate it; the epitome of living the (good) life; and you’ll realized how blessed you are for you were born and brought to this world.

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