The recent news citing Puerto Princesa City among Top 5 cities which are hotbed of crimes created a tumult among the public, particularly the residents both in the city and the whole province. Known as the City of the Living God, where we expect less crime, and where people are God-fearing and morally upright, the inclusion of the City shocked everyone.
City Information Officer Richard Ligad, however, was quick to clear the issue.
Puerto Princesa City is not on the Top 5 Cities on Crimes and Illegal Drugs in the country, instead it was the way the statistics was plotted in the report – and was mislooked by the Acting Chief Press Information Officer of the Philippine National Police Chief P/Sr. Superintendent Benigno Durana Jr., who was reading the report in a live telecast.
And then a formal apology was issued: “My sincere apology to the oversight and whatever inconvenience it may have caused in which I, as acting chief PIO, is solely responsible.”
The repercussions could be detrimental to the tourism economy of the City and the Province of Palawan, and this has to be corrected as soon as possible.
The City Council has already released a resolution condemning the wrong pronouncement that may negatively impact the City and labeled it as a fake news.
We are quick to note that this week’s major news and updates focused more on the Philippine National Police.
A complaint was also raised this week when one police officer mauled a person inside the jail at the PNP Mendoza. A case has been filed against the erring police personnel. Many have reacted and voiced out their sentiments of similar cases where a police officer can easily kick and harass individuals.
The PNP has been on the hot seat and many are clamoring that these wrongs be righted. Many in the police service are no doubt good but the bad ones need to be penalized and weeded out.
We have the utmost trust in them just are we are asked by President Duterte to do but that is sacred and must never be abused. Whoever deviates from this social contract, where the people support the police and they protect and serve the Filipinos, must be caned with penalties if not being thrown with a stone of dismissal from service or even imprisonment should his sin be that grave.
We always believe that our police force is still the number one protector of our people. Let this not be shattered. May the men and women of the PNP prove it is there “To serve and to protect.”