DOH seeks City Government’s support on “health sector reform” implementation

The Department of Health (DOH) is seeking to partner with Puerto Princesa City Government towards the implementation of Local Investment Plan for Health (LIPH).

Atty. Anna Fatima Chavez, Attorney IV and Acting Assistant City Legal Officer, told Palawan Daily News (PDN) Wednesday the contract was from the legal department of DOH’s Central Office.

“Basically ang goal niya is para ma-implement ‘yong 2020 annual operation plan. Ito ay national initiative na tini-trickle down nila sa local level for health sector reform. Basically ‘yong terms of partnership na ito necessary siya in order for the DOH to download the counterpart nila, ‘yong funds nila, sa local to implement ‘yong LIPH,” she said.

Chavez stated DOH has around P1.3-million counterpart fund annually for this partnership, which is intended for the implementation of LIPH.

Chavez said indicated in this terms of partnership (TOP) is the main aim to implement health sector reforms, which are consistent with the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act and the Fourmula 1 Plus (F1) for health.

She added this specific TOP is effective for two years, from January 2020 to January 2022.

Chavez further stated Dr. Ricardo Panganiban, the chief of City Health Office (CHO), furnished CLO the terms of partnership between the City Government and DOH.

She said after CLO reviewed this memorandum of agreement (MOA), they forwarded it to City Council for legislative authority.

Chavez also confirmed that Mayor Lucilo Bayron has already signed this TOP, which will soon be forwarded to DOH Central Office.

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