Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte keeps ‘very good’ net satisfaction rating

Photo Credits to Rody Duterte

Being the country’s leader for 6 years, former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte scored a “very good” plus 65 net satisfaction rating based on the result of recent survey done by Social Weather Station (SWS) last April 19-27, 2022.

The result of the survey, which was released last July 13, 78% of Filipinos were pleased with his performance, 9% were undecided, and 13% were dissatisfied.

Meanwhile, the former President’s rating increased by five points from the “very good “ plus 60 net satisfaction rating last December 2021.

Duterte’s gross satisfaction is higher by three points from December 2021’s 75%, while undecided stayed at 9% and dissatisfaction fell by two points from 15.4%.

The survey stated that the five-point rise in overall net satisfaction rating from December 2021 to April 2022 was due to increases in all areas, wherein it resulted to “very good “in Metro Manila, balanced results in Luzon and Visayas, while excellent rating in Mindanao.

The former leader got also an “excellent” rating from the 18-24 age group, “very good” ratings in both rural and urban areas, both women and men, from age group of 25 years old and older.

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