TOG 7 Integrated Livelihood and Sustainable Base Management

Tactical Operations Group 7 maintains a large area of the grassy portion within ABAB.  With its size, considerable human resources and fuel requirements are allocated monthly to maintain the whole site.


Manhours and resources allocated can compromise the accomplishment of TOG 7 mission essential tasks. In addition to TOG 7’s traditional military roles, as part of the PAF and AFP, we are expected to protect, maintain, and secure the environment in every creative way possible. For these reasons, the TOG 7 personnel initiated turning vacant grassy space into a sustainable food source through livestock raising, poultry farming, and vegetable gardening.


This ensures the availability and sustainability of fresh vegetables, poultry products, and livestock meat for the personnel. Aside from its food sustainability, natural livestock raising, and feeding on the grasses, within the vast premises TOG 7 reduces the need to allocate man-hours and fuel requirements to maintain the area, and prioritizes instead TOG 7 mission essential tasks; helps protect the environment by reducing carbon emissions caused by mechanical and engine grass-cutting, at the same time, decreasing the amount of stored carbon in the atmosphere as researches show and produces a source of livelihood to personnel of TOG 7 as well. The TOG 7 garden provides healthy organic vegetables free of harmful pesticides and chemicals that are known hazardous to both health and the environment. While the growing poultry farm provides a supply protein fresh eggs and meat, good sources of protein.


The project was spearheaded by LTC ISAGANI F QUIMING PAF (GSC), Group Commander, Tactical Operations Group 7 in order to address food security as we go on the challenges of the “new normal” while providing an effective natural mechanism in maintaining the area. The project is also in coordination with the stakeholders from government agencies, LGUs, Non-Government Organizations, and individuals supporting the same advocacy through intensive engagement and partnership with TOG 7 that provided resources of primary requirements for the project.

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