The Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force on COVID-19 convened Wednesday, June 17 to discuss the management of Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs), Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) and Authorized Persons Outside Residence (APORs) who are expected to return home as modified commercial flights starts.
Vice Governor Dennis Socretes presided the meeting with other members of Palawan IATF including EOC Manager Jerry Alili, Dr. Mary Ann Navarro of Provincial Health Office, PSWDO Chief Abegail Ablaña and Sammy Magbanua together with the representatives of three airline companies.
The group discussed the flight schedule of airline companies who will carry the incoming and outgoing stranded individuals as Puerto Princesa International Airport will resume its operation.
Health protocols and proper management of LSIs, APORs and ROFs were also discussed by IATF to the airline company representatives and the required documents needed by the passengers.