WWII high-explosive projectile found in Palawan

A 105mm Bofors explosive projectile that was recently discovered in Barangay Marangas, Bataraza, Palawan.

In Barangay Marangas, Bataraza, Palawan, a local resident uncovered what is believed to be a piece of World War II history while fencing his property near a school yesterday, December 10.
The discovery is likely to be a 105mm Bofors explosive projectile, made in Sweden in the 1930s and commonly used by the US Navy in WWII.
In military terms, projectiles are fired from artillery or anti-aircraft guns. The 105mm Bofors, being an anti-aircraft projectile, was designed to be fired from Bofors guns to target and destroy airborne threats.
It contains an explosive payload and, upon impact, could cause significant damage. The projectile, if exploded, could impact an area of at least 50 meters, with debris potentially reaching up to half a kilometer away.
Thankfully, the resident who found it was lucky it didn’t explode during excavation.
The fact that it was found unexploded signifies the potential dangers associated with remnants of wartime munitions.
During World War II in 1944, Allied forces, primarily composed of American troops, engaged Japanese forces on the island of Palawan.
The province, located in the western part of the archipelago, was targeted by the Allies as part of their campaign to liberate the Philippines from Japanese occupation.
The discovery of artifacts like the 105mm Bofors projectile near Barangay Marangas in Bataraza may be linked to the military activities during this period.
Local police, led by Police Executive Master Sergeant Teodoro Tabinga of the PNP-EODK9 Unit, quickly responded to secure the artifact. It is now in their custody as investigations on its origin and history continue.
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