PRO MIMAROPA prepares for “Ligtas Undas’

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Police Regional Office MIMAROPA under the stewardship of PCSUPT TOMAS C APOLINARIO, JR will deploy 6,556 combined police personnel and its force multipliers both from Peace and Order (Bantay Bayan, BPATs, others…) and Civilian Volunteers (Medical, Radio, others…) regionwide to ensure peace, order, and public safety services during the observance of the traditional All Saints’ and Souls’ Days on November 1 and 2, 2018 as it is expected to bring influx of people to the cemeteries, while others take advantage of the occasion as a non-working holiday.

Apolinario ordered all unit commanders to closely supervise their men on tightening their security measures in the conduct of police presence operations and security patrols in areas frequented by the general public, such as malls and other transport facilities and terminals (bus station and seaports), cemeteries, churches, resorts and other areas vulnerable to terrorist hostile activities in coordination with other concerned law enforcement agencies, LGUs and private security providers.

He further specifically directed them to deploy Route Safety Marshals in strategic areas along the routes from and to the 178 cemeteries and other areas of convergence; establishment of Assistance Hubs (AHs) along major highways, cemeteries, airports, seaports, bus terminals, malls, and resorts, in coordination with other concerned law enforcement agencies, LGUs, and volunteer groups, conduct check point operations, target hardening in all vital installations and economic key points , border control, conduct of simulation/ crisis management and regular law enforcement activities for security planning and cooperation, and ensure high state of operational readiness to deter criminal activities and thwart any hostile action that maybe launched by any groups.

A series of meetings with other law enforcement agencies has been already conducted discussing the region wide implementation of security measures on the said celebrations.

Apolinario is asking for the support of the public to report to the nearest police station any suspicious individuals to include any suspicious baggage’s left unattended.

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