By June, establishments in the National Capital Region (NCR) would require everyone to show upon entry proof of having received a booster shot against COVID-19.
Joey Concepcion, Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship, said noting that the measure would encourage people to get their third vaccine shots and remain protected against COVID-19 since the effect of primary doses disappears after a few months.
However, in a statement to the press yesterday, he said that the implementation would not be right away, which will give time for the public to decide.
“We do not implement it right away. I understand it will take time for them to get the booster, but considering that vaccines are now more accessible, people are free to move around, and we have adequate supply, I think two and a half months, or until June, would be enough time to take the boosters,” Concepcion said.
Concepcion said that this will speed up booster vaccinations and solve the possible expiration of vaccines currently available in the country.
However, for areas outside NCR, Concepcion said that the decision and implementation of the measure should fall upon the discretion of the Local Government Units (LGUs).
“For the rest of the provinces, let the LGUs decide when they will request that the booster cards be shown to as an entry [requirement],” he said.
A statistical report from the Department of Health (DOH) concludes that as of yesterday, March 30, 65.8 million Filipinos have received their second dose while over 12 million have been given their booster shots.