DILG-MIMAROPA releases precautionary measure for possible ashfall

The Department of Interior and Local Government-MIMAROPA released an advisory on what to do in case your area is affected by ashfall. Infographic from DILG MIMAROPA Facebook page

Due to the phreatic explosion of Taal Volcano, the regional office of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) directs all the provincial directors to warn and inform the public on “possible ashfalls” and how to avoid it.

The Memorandum order signed by DILG Regional Director Wilhem Suyko states that, as part of the precautionary measure for possible ashfall in Mimaropa, it is necessary to disseminate the information contained in the Memorandum Order No. 005, s.2020 of the Office of the Civil Defense (OCD)-MIMAROPA.

Although no confirmed ashfall cases yet in the region, but in raising the alert status of Taal from level 3 (magmatic unrest) to level 4 (hazardous eruption imminent) and the proximity of Mimaropa to Calabarzon, it is incumbent for the Department to act, and part of it is thru issuing an “ashfall warning” to the communities.

Released earlier this week by the DILG regional office, the Memo order from OCD-Mimaropa reminds the Mimaropans to be abreast on Taal Volcano eruption that started last Jan.12, 2020.

In the attached copies of Memorandum of regional office of OCD being disseminated by DILG, it states that in order to cope with ashfalls, the affected people should minimize exposure with ash, stay indoors as much as possible, keep their doors and windows closed; keep home with infiltration by using damp curtains, blankets, or clothing; use dust masks and wear goggles or eyeglasses to protect eyes from irritation.

Experts say that exposure to falling ash may cause a number of health problems like nose and throat irritation, coughing, bronchitis-like illness, discomfort while breathing, eye irritation, minor skin problems, and injuries/ death due to roof collapse or vehicular accident resulting from slippery roads or poor visibility.

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