SSS issues service guidelines amid community quarantine in Metro Manila

The Social Security System (SSS) issued temporary service guidelines for its Metro Manila branches after the region is placed under community quarantine due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

According to the guidelines, the SSS will form a skeletal workforce in all of its branches in Metro Manila to continuously serve its members – Mondays to Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Transactions, however, will be limited to applications for non-medical benefits such as retirement, death, funeral, and unemployment; sickness and maternity notifications; employer reimbursement claims for sickness and maternity; maternity claims for self-employed and voluntary members; Pension Loan Program application; and contribution and loan payments.

Medical Evaluation Centers in the said region will only be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for sickness and disability benefit claims.

Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) card applications and other transactions will temporarily be unavailable.

Members are advised to avoid unnecessary trips to SSS branches.

For accessing records, viewing of eligibility and documentary requirements for benefit and loan programs, inquiry on the status of benefit claims, and other transactions, members may use the My.SSS portal on the SSS website at, download the SSS Mobile App or use the Text-SSS facility at 2600.

SSS branches outside Metro Manila will continue with normal operations to serve the public.

The said guidelines will take effect starting 16 March 2020. The SSS will issue an advisory should there be any changes.

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