Dog suffers brutal attack in El Nido: stabbed and burned with hot water

A disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked the residents of El Nido after a dog was found stabbed and burned with hot water in the face in the outskirts of Lio. The heinous attack was carried out by an unknown assailant, causing severe injuries to the helpless animal.
El Nido, Palawan โ€“ A disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked the residents of El Nido after a dog was found stabbed and burned with hot water in the face in the outskirts of Lio. The heinous attack was carried out by an unknown assailant, causing severe injuries to the helpless animal.
The dog, who was named Batman by its rescuers, was a beloved companion to the locals, known for his playful and friendly nature. Batman would often roam the streets, greeting everyone he met with a wagging tail.
However, yesterday, Batmanโ€™s happy life took a dark turn.
According to witnesses, Batman was found whimpering in agony, with visible signs of torture on his body. He had been stabbed and had suffered severe burns from hot water thrown on his face.
A concerned citizen immediately called the El Nido Animal Info, an animal welfare group, who arrived at the scene and took Batman to their resident veterinary doctor for emergency treatment. The veterinarian found that Batman had one stab wound, and severe burns, which required immediate medical attention.
Despite the horrific ordeal, Batman is now receiving the care and treatment he needs to recover.
Despite Palawanโ€™s rich biodiversity and stunning natural beauty, it has seen a rise in incidents of animal abuse, causing concern among animal welfare groups and the local community.
Batmanโ€™s story is just one of several cases reported in Palawan, including instances of pets being beaten, abandoned, and left to die.
The Street Dog Sanctuary and El Nido Animal Info are just among the animal welfare groups in the province calling for stricter laws and enforcement to protect animals from such inhumane treatment. They are also urging the community to speak out against animal cruelty and report any instances of abuse to the authorities.
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