MIMAROPA Regional Development Council unveils ambitious 2023-2028 plan in Palawan

Photo from PIO-Palawan

The Regional Development Council (RDC) MIMAROPA presented a comprehensive range of projects, programs, and activities outlined in the MIMAROPA Regional Development Plan (RDP) 2023-2028 during a recent Provincial Roadshow in Palawan on October 17, held at the VJR Hall in the provincial capitol.
In his message, Governor Socrates expressed his gratitude to NEDA officials and the RDC for conducting the event in the province, emphasizing the importance of making regional and Palawan-specific plans aligned with the Ambisyon 2040 initiative of NEDA.
He stressed the moral imperative of development to enhance the quality of life and uphold good governance for progress.
Regional Director Agustin Mendoza presented the contents of the RDP, which encompass the MIMAROPA Regional Spatial Strategy, Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP) 2023-2028, and Major Capital Projects, Activities, Programs (PAPs) for Palawan.
Notable projects mentioned in the presentation included Proposed Intermodal Connectivity and Inter-Island Linkages in MIMAROPA, Power and Energy Framework, Urban Agglomeration, Vulnerability Reduction, and the Proposed Luzon Spatial and Infrastructure Connectivity Development Framework.
According to NEDA’s presentation, the Total Investment Requirements for RDIP 2023-2028 amount to P878.55 billion to fund 950 PAPs across various sectors such as Social, Infrastructure, Economic, and Development Administration. For Palawan, the proposed budget allocation reaches 29% of the region’s total, equivalent to P106.48 billion for 273 PAPs.
Major capital projects in Palawan include Coron-Culion Inter-island Bridges, Puerto Princesa City Viaduct, Busuanga Airport Development, Mindoro-Palawan Interconnection Project for power development, Ransang River Irrigation Project, Malabangan River Irrigation Project in Rizal, Sustainable Tourism Development Projects in El Nido and Coron, upgrading of Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital, Ospital ng Palawan, and the Palawan Environmentally Critical Areas Network (ECAN) Management Program.
During the event, 2nd District Congressman Jose Ch. Alvarez stressed the urgent need for support from relevant agencies like the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) for PALECO due to the expected power demand in the province over the next ten years.
Representatives of various sectors and agencies signed a pledge of commitment, demonstrating their support for the outlined plans.
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