PHL Navy, Japan Maritime Self Defense Force conduct ‘Communication Exercise’ in Busuanga

The Philippine Navy (PN) and Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) recently conducted a communication exercise (COMMEX) off the waters of the Municipality of Busuanga, Palawan.

According to a statement released by the Naval Forces West (Navforwest) today, July 23, the Philippine Navy’s C-90 aircraft conducted a non-contact goodwill exchange in a form of COMMEX with JMSDF vessel JS Teruzuki as it traversed Philippine waters at the vicinity of the said municipality on July 18.

“The recent COMMEX between the PN air asset and the transiting JMSDF warship in our territorial waters is a manifestation of this continuing friendly relation between the two navies. It did not only highlight this strong bond but also tested the interoperability of these naval platforms,” Navforwest’s statement says.

The communication exercise is a customary naval exchange of courtesy between friendly navies, a part of a long line of naval tradition. Akin to the usual PASSEX or rendition of passing honors, COMMEX mirrors the good relations of naval assets, including naval aircrafts during meeting engagements.

“The said activity is in parallel with the Philippine Navy’s thrust of promoting and sustaining naval diplomacy toward regional peace, stability and progress,” it added.

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