Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro – A horrifying incident unfolded in the early hours of May 31 in Barangay Santa Isabela, this city, as a popular radio broadcaster was fatally shot by two unidentified riding in tandem suspects. In a dramatic turn of events, one of the suspects met his demise after a chase ensued with the victim’s son on his own motorcycle.
The victim, identified as Cresenciano “Cris” Bundoquin, 50, was a respected radio personality known for his insightful commentary on social and political matters.
At around 4 am, Bundoquin was in front of his home when two individuals riding a motorcycle approached him.
Without any warning, the back-rider drew out a firearm and fired several shots at Bundoquin at close range. The suspects quickly fled the scene, leaving the wounded broadcaster lying in a pool of blood.
Determined to bring his father’s attackers to justice, Bundoquin’s son immediately gave chase on his own motorcycle. The pursuit led to a high-speed chase through the streets of Barangay Santa Isabela. As the chase intensified, the victim’s son collided with the motorcycle of the two suspects, leading into a crash.
Tragically, due to the collision, one of the suspects suffered severe head injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene, while the other managed to flee.
Authorities have identified the deceased suspect as Narciso Ignacio Guntan.
The motive behind the attack on Bundoquin remains unclear at this point. Investigators are exploring various angles, including possible connections to his work as a radio broadcaster and any personal disputes or threats he may have faced.
Local authorities have launched a full-scale investigation into the shocking murder. Investigators are also examining CCTV footage from the area to identify the suspects and gather any possible leads.
The police are also interviewing Bundoquin’s colleagues, friends, and family members to determine if there were any threats or ongoing disputes that could have contributed to this tragic incident.
Bundoquin’s untimely demise has sparked outrage and grief among the community, with many expressing their condolences and demanding justice for the slain broadcaster. The local radio industry has also been shaken by the loss, as Bundoquin was known for his unwavering dedication to journalism and his commitment to amplifying the voices of the marginalized.
Authorities are urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward and assist in the investigation to identify and apprehend the fleeing suspect.
They have assured the public that every effort will be made to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Calapan City Mayor, Malou Flores – Morillo, has issued a press release statement denouncing the act and urging authorities to swiftly bring the culprits to justice.
“Kada mayroong isang journalist o media personality na napapaslang, we are losing one voice who brings the truth behind untold stories and phenomenon,” Morillo said.
Palawan Daily News, along with the entire media community, expresses profound condolences for the loss of our late fellow media member. His untimely demise is not only a devastating blow to his loved ones but also a tragic reminder of the risks that journalists and broadcasters face while performing their vital duties.
The incident also serves as a grim reminder of the importance of upholding press freedom and safety.
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