Through a Chinese song entitled “Wo Men Ai Rang Shi Jie Bu Yi Yang” (We Will Love We Will Make a Difference), the 10 beneficiaries of the Provincial Government of Hainan scholarship, who will study in Hainan Normal University, expressed their appreciation to the Provincial Government of Palawan who facilitated the realization of sending them China.
The scholars were first presented to Provincial Administrator Atty. Joshua U. Bolusa who told them that “[T]his scholarship will open a new dawn for you considering China is becoming an economic giant.” Although this scholarship has no payback period, Atty. Bolusa encouraged the scholars to serve Palaweños and share what they have gained in China once they have completed their studies.
Governor Jose Ch. Alvarez, on the other hand, expressed his joy knowing that the scholars are young Palaweños, majority of whom belonged to the poor and are from the different municipalities of Palawan – Magsaysay, El Nido, Quezon, Roxas, San Vicente and Brooke’s Point.
The Governor expressed his confidence in the capacity of the scholars and encouraged them to “study well; always remember why you are in China. The first who will benefit in your accomplishment will be you. The Province is just here to help and in case you will share to Palawan what you have studied, it will be good; however if you decide to live your life somewhere far from Palawan, the Provincial Government will not hold a grudge on you. Your achievement is already an achievement of Palawan.”
Of the 10 scholars, five will be taking up Master’s Degree Programs and five undergraduate degree programs. These include: Karla Jean Seratubias Sornel (Master’s in Psychology), Julia Ann Gabo Borres (Master’s in Psychology), Jolly Dalabajan Pedida (Master’s in Psychology), Katherine Mae Erispe Cañete (Maste’rs in Mental Health), Nathalie Jane Samaniego Plizardo (Master of Education – Modern Educational Technology), Niña Beatriece So Linga (Bachelor in Computer Science and Technology), Gabriel Manilingan Obrique (Bachelor in Mechanical and Electrical Integration), Klienne Francia Sambire Pua (Bachelor in Mechanical and Electrical Integration), Davis Solomon Magada Servañez (Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Engineering), and Paul Christian Bundal Valones (Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Engineering).
They will be granted with the Provincial Government of Hainan Scholarship which covers full scholarship to Hainan Normal University, accommodation, monthly living allowance, comprehensive medical insurance and one round trip flight from Palawan to Haikou during the whole study duration. As a condition and as part of the scholarship, the scholars have to study Chinese language in Hainan Normal University in China for one year and must pass the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test in accordance with the requirements of the program to be enrolled.
The scholarship is a result of the Agreement on the Establishment of Sisterhood Relationship Between the Province of Palawan of the Republic of the Philippines and Hainan Province of the People’s Republic of China signed by Governor Jose Ch. Alvarez and Secretary of Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPC and Chairman of the Standing Committee of Hainan Provincial People’s Congress Liu Cigui last July 2017.
One of the provisions of the Agreement is the Scholarship Program in Hainan wherein fifty Palaweños will benefit from the Hainan Provincial Government Scholarship. Ten (10) Palaweño scholars per year will be sent to China starting this year until 2022. The role of the Provincial Government of Palawan in the scholarship is to facilitate the selection and endorsement of the 50 scholars who will receive the scholarship program. The information on the scholarship was relayed to Palawan State University, Western Philippines University and Palawan National School. Interested students submitted their application to the Provincial Government of Palawan through the Office of the Provincial Administrator. A technical working group created through Executive Order No. 23 Series of 2018 gathered the necessary data and information, conducted interview and assisted in the selection process. The result was submitted to the Provincial Administrator and the Governor for approval.
Prior to the scholars going to China, the Provincial Government provided basic lessons in English, Chinese language, etiquette, self-defense and dental services. The Governor insisted that the scholars have these lessons to prepare them as they venture in a new environment with different culture and people. In addition to the lessons, the Provincial Government will be providing financial assistance and other assistance which can help them.
The scholars will be leaving for Hainan at the end of August 2018 and their school will start September 3. An Official from the Provincial Government will accompany them to China where there will be formal endorsement to the Hainan Provincial Government and Hainan Normal University.
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